
How to Grow Water Kefir Grains

Are your kefir grains too small and not multiplying? Are you looking to add more bubbles to your water kefir? Learn how to grow water kefir grains and keep them healthy with this comprehensive guide to water kefir grains.

  • Prep: 10 minutes
  • Cook: 10 minutes
  • Total Time: 20 minutes


  • 2 grams sea salt
  • 50 grams cane sugar, organic
  • 5 grams molasses, organic and unsulphured*
  • 1000 grams filtered water


  1. This makes about 1 liter of primary fermentation/feeding liquid.
  2. Combine all of the ingredients and mix until it’s all dissolved
  3. Bring to a boil
  4. Allow it to cool
  5. Add to a large jar with 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of water kefir grains.
  6. Allow to ferment for 48 hours before straining the grains from the cultured sugar water.
  7. Feed again with fresh sugar water.
  8. You can use the cultured sugar water you strained from the grains for secondary flavoring and carbonation in a pressure safe bottle.


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Nutrition information is auto-calculated and estimated as close as possible. We are not responsible for any errors. We have tested the recipe for accuracy, but your results may vary.